Jeroen Linnenbank is a Dutch musician who lives in Norway, he studied jazzguitar at the conservatory of Maastricht. He has been performing in theatres over more then 20 years. He learned to play the piano when he was only four, and bought his first electric guitar when he was fourteen years old.
See overview of theatre tours her

After moving to Norway in 2006 Jeroen got inspired by nature sounds and started with field recording, he uses environmental sounds in his music. Together with photographer Arthur van Riet he worked on project:
“JA! a hunt for nature´s soul”.

Jeroen is also an astronaut of spaceship earth, like his big inspirator Wubbo Ockels, and uses a lot of time making people aware of the problems we will face when we keep on using our resources like we do today. He took the online course: “Solving The Energy Puzzle” at the university of Groningen to learn more about the energy transition. He is working on his soundproject “Busi da Basi” and he travels through Norway with “Utsikt til Innsikt” (“a View to Insight”)

Sandsletta, with sounds from Lofoten.